Featuring the Bimco Live series
It contains amino acids and silicon in addition
To skeins of the smallest elements, its capacity is 10 kg. It is made of
Usage rate:
It is used on all plants and in all types of soil, and within the two types of open or covered cultivation, alone or
Mixed with the rest of the fertilizers, irrigated through sprinkler, drip or pivot irrigation networks, as well as for irrigation systems.
using falaj, al-Masakib, or rafting irrigation, with the possibility of repeating the treatment when needed every 7-10 days, according to
The following table:

the plant Kg per acre
(Vegetables, eggplant, pumpkins, okra, beans, and lobby) … 1-3
Potatoes, onions and garlic 4-2
(Wheat grains, poetic, rice, oats, Al -Masham) .. and legumes 2-1
Corn, cotton, beacon, carrots and turnip 4-2
Fruitful trees 5-2
Cumin, nigella and sesame 2-1