Carboxylic copper gluconate

Vital properties:
A copper carboxylate compound used as a copper nutrient and as a fungicide for a large number of fungal and bacterial pests; it works
As an immune line of defense against many fungal and bacterial diseases, it also works to strengthen and harden the cellular walls of plants
It increases its resistance to diseases and biotic and non-vital stresses
It contains copper in the form of fastest absorption and permeability to the leaves (copper gluconate), thus increasing efficiency and effectiveness.
The gluconate copper carboxylate has the safety feature when used, and the speed of permeability and absorption with systemic transmission in
root and vegetative systems, and thus not only affect the vegetative system, but also protects the roots from diseases.
It stimulates plant growth, unlike some copper compounds that stunt the plant and impede its growth
Cobram helps prevent several fungal diseases (downy mildew, blights, rot, spotting, wilting, rusts …)
Bacterial blights and spots

Chemical analysis:
The compound contains 5% copper loaded with 20% glucinate and carboxylate

Usage rate:
A general application rate is recommended as a foliar spray between 100-200 ml/100 liters, depending on the type and nature of the crop, in addition to the possibility of
Use it at a rate of 250-500 ml/decar for the purpose of protecting the roots.